Combat Re-enactment
Three important things to note about Wolfguard combat re-enactment:
None of our fights are choreographed or pre-arranged
All weapons used are "real!"
And lastly we are equal opportunity Vikings, we'll kill anyone.
Combat re-enactment aims to be both entertaining and authentic, with more emphasis placed on the former. This is because firstly, many authentic techniques and manoeuvres are too dangerous to portray in a free combat setting, and secondly because realistic combat just isn't as entertaining to watch!
Any good martial artist will tell you that most of what you see in a martial arts film wouldn't translate well into a realistic setting, and more realistic fights in a one-on-one combat would tend to be over within seconds rather than minutes. That being said, we do try to keep the combat as authentic as possible within this framework, with many of our members having read historical documents on combat (although none survive from the Viking era, so principles are extrapolated) or having had experience in martial arts.
Certain techniques such as thrusts and head shots are too dangerous to incorporate because Wolfguard practices free combat, that is to say we do not choreograph fight sequences, but every one of our fights is completely random (even down to who is fighting who) in the sense that combatants are free to perform whichever techniques or strategies they choose within the framework of our rules and
The winner is not predetermined, this gives the fights a more authentic feel than prearranged or choreographed fights, and is much more satisfying to participate in. We will on rare occasions incorporate single choreographed techniques or sequences as part of a free combat display where it would be dangerous to use them otherwise.
From a combatant's point of view, it is probably as close to the real thing as you will get besides joining a specialist Western Martial Arts group (who train for realism rather than display purposes) and certainly the closest you will get to fighting a Viking battle!
Wolfguard displays involve a variety of one-on-one combat, one-on-two, two-on-two, melees, scenarios and circles of treachery or honour where every man (or woman) fights for themselves. Each of these requires a range of different skills and strategies from the combatants.
Weapons we train in include swords, spears, hand axes, Dane axes, shields, seaxes and the occasional lump of wood, and any combination of these that suits the combatant. All weapons are made to be as authentic as possible, except that they are blunted and generally made from superior steel for durability.
Armour is similarly as authentic as possible (you certainly won't see "chainmail" made by painting woollen jumpers!, although for safety reasons all of our combatants wear gloves and are encouraged to wear a helmet (both of which would have been somewhat rare in an actual Viking village).